EU Care Strategy should address people in need for care, informal carers and the care workforce – question by MEPs

A group of 32 MEPs has addressed a written question to the European Commission, asking for details about the European Care Strategy. The MEPs point out that according to a recent EU report, only one in three persons in need for care can actually access long-term care services. In September, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a European Care Strategy in her State of the Union Speech.

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MEPs reflect on the gender pension gap and how to close it

The research project ‘Mind the Gap in Pensions in Europe’ (MIGAPE) presented its results in an online meeting with Members of the European Parliament on 28 June 2021. The project highlighted for the first time possible projections of the gap between men’s and women’s pensions over the longer term in different EU countries. The Gender Pension Gap stands at 27% currently in the EU.

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